Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Panther Warning!

Yesterday me, Heather, and two other kids were going to walk to a beach. The road to the beach led through a dense forest. Well when we got to the start of the we decided we wanted to go to a different beach. Everyone thought we were going to the forest beach. After we left my mom discovered that there had been a panther spotting near the beach we were originally going to go to. We had about three or four people looking for us thinking we were in danger. That was pretty interesting.

We paln on heading to the San Blas soon. When we get there I will probably be able to update this blog about once a week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Kettlewell (Ian),

You have now gained important wisdom - never leave your boat without your trusty poison blow gun!

What an adventure your having - I'm jeleous (and so is Dylan)

Take Care

We'll be checking in to your blog!