Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Bad Weather on Halloween

This morning we had quite a storm. There was plenty of wind, and the boat in front of us dragged. Are dingy was hauled out of the water at the boats side, and we had to get it back into the water if we wanted to move the big boat. My dad went out into the rain and tried to lower it into the water, and I offered to help. So I stood out in the freezing painful rain and I was actually shivering, something I haven't done in a while. O yeah, there is a US Naval ship in here now, that makes us feel slightly safer. For Halloween we aren't doing much. We are having a party in the marina which will be nice, but we aren't going trick or treating. Colombia is #1 in kidnappings, and we don't think it would be wise to trick or treat at night here. We may get a few pumpkin seeds in terms of candy. I am being a headless person for Halloween, and Heather is being a Old Man, but she wears the cape and mask backwards to fool people, it really works!

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