Sunday, October 22, 2006

Brief Summary

I have been lazy updating this recently, so I will provide a brief summary of what has happened recently. First we went to a botanical garden where we looked at peaceful pools of crystal clear water with out any disturbances and fish with beautiful tails swimming gracefully through the water. Then we threw a soccer ball in the water. There was also plenty of neat plants, and a monkey who chucked sticks at us. We returned fire. Our tennis ball unfortunately missed.

We also had a few windy incidents. One where I had just woken up and Heather ran into the room and said "Ian could you close the hatch" I don't think I had even opened my eyes yet, yet I decided to close it any way. After that my mom calls out "Ian could you help me with this" Of course what she wanted me to do involved standing in the rain for about five minutes. That was fun...

We have also gone to the fort again, and explored deeper into the tunnels. We stopped when the water on the floor got up to our knees. Oh yeah we also went to a nearby dance performance. Keep in mind if you comment on my blog, and ask a question, I will return with a answer in the comments section.

1 comment:

Ian Kettlewell said...

Hey Jonathan, if you read this check your email.