Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Sum-up of the last month....

I haven't been posting to this much because I checked and nobody has looked at it in the past two months. Oh well

We had a good Christmas and got very good presents, but I really missed snow. I know there isn't much snow even now, but at least it is cold there. Also I wish our Christmas tree was a tad above 1.ft, but I haven't even seen a pine tree for months anyway. Well we had a very good Christmas, and we are now back to doing schoolwork every day, actually I should probably be doing school now instead of typing this up... Oh well I feel like doing this instead. New years was great. Cartagena is one of Colombia's most prized cities so all the rich and famous people of Colombia come here for holidays. Since so many people come here for New Years, there is really really good fireworks. The fireworks were incredible! The only downside to the new years celebrations is that they continued to shoot fireworks off at 3:00 am for the next few days.

We also have been playing soccer allot while we are here. We have been playing soccer with Dutch, French, English, and American kids. The French kids left a while ago though, and the Dutch kids left today. Occasionally Colombian kids will play with us to, except they are incredible at soccer, and we don't stand much of a chance. Though playing soccer has eased my worry that I will be horrible at soccer when we get back. We have been playing nearly every day for a few months now. Our soccer ball is very durable, and has been used so much it has lost all its logos and colors. We gave a soccer balls to other kids for Christmas, but good ones are expensive here.

I can't think of much more to say, but please check here more often if you read this and I will be encouraged to read more.

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